Dr. Jeetendar Paryani

Dr. Jeetendar Paryani is a Surgical Oncologist. He has completed his education including residency experience from top medical Colleges of country which include Govt Medical College Nagpur .BJ Medical College Ahmedabad and King
Georges Medical university Lucknow. He is trained to provide complete Surgical management of various Cancers independently starting to First visit OPD to Post Treatment Follow up. He has also acquired in- depth knowledge of chemotherapy required for complementing the surgical treatment of cancers.
 He has been practicing as oncologist in Jabalpur performing all cancer surgeries and providing chemotherapy support to all patients.
 Surgeries include Head and neck surgeries, resections in oral cavity cancers like segmental mandibular resections, composite resections, reconstructions in head and neck cancer, neck dissections, thyroidectomies, parotid surgeries, oncological procedures radical cholecystectomy, Gastroectomy, colectromy, Surgeries for soft tissues sarcoma and bone sarcomas.
 Three-year residency program along with a senior residency in General Surgery under Dr G.H. Rathod in Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad from 2010-2014
 The institute is a tertiary care hospital with largest bed capacity in Asia and referral centre for entire Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and parts of Maharashtra.
 Senior Residency and M.ch training in surgical oncology at King George’s Medical University Lucknow (2014 – 2017). King George’s Medical University is the largest and oldest institute in Uttar Pradesh, one of the most
prestigious institutes in Northern India draining almost whole of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and parts of Madhya Pradesh